Guide to Singapore’s Tax Rates: What You Need to Know

Jul 5, 2023News

Singapore’s tax system is known for its simplicity, efficiency, and competitive rates. Understanding the tax rates in Singapore is crucial for individuals and businesses alike. In this guide, we will walk you through the key aspects of Singapore’s tax system and provide you with the information you need to know.


Singapore has gained a reputation as a global business hub due to its favorable tax policies. The country offers attractive tax rates, incentives, and a straightforward tax system. Whether you are an individual or a company, it’s essential to be aware of the different types of taxes in Singapore and how they are structured.

Understanding Singapore’s Tax System

Singapore follows a territorial tax system, which means that taxes are levied on income earned within the country. This system is advantageous for businesses as foreign-sourced income is generally not subject to tax in Singapore. However, it’s important to note that certain types of income, such as dividends received from overseas subsidiaries, may be taxable.

Personal Income Tax

Progressive Tax Rates
Individuals in Singapore are subject to progressive tax rates based on their chargeable income. The tax rates range from 0% to a maximum of 22%. The tax brackets ensure that lower-income individuals pay lower taxes while higher-income individuals contribute a higher proportion of their earnings.

Tax Reliefs and Deductions
To alleviate the tax burden on individuals, Singapore provides various tax reliefs and deductions. These include reliefs for employment expenses, parent/handicapped parent reliefs, and deductions for contributions to approved charities and the Central Provident Fund (CPF).

Corporate Tax

Tax Rates for Companies
Singapore’s corporate tax rate is competitive, currently standing at 17%. This flat rate applies to both local and foreign companies. It’s worth noting that Singapore adopts a single-tier tax system, which means that once the profits are taxed at the corporate level, dividends distributed to shareholders are tax-free.

Tax Exemptions and Incentives
To encourage entrepreneurship and attract foreign investment, Singapore offers various tax exemptions and incentives for companies. These include the Start-up Tax Exemption (SUTE) scheme, which provides tax exemption on the first S$200,000 of chargeable income for qualifying new companies.

Discover the secrets of Singapore’s tax rates and optimize your financial strategies with expert financial advisors over at Accruplus!

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Standard Rate
Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a value-added tax levied on the supply of goods and services in Singapore. The current standard rate is 7%. GST is collected at each stage of the supply chain, and businesses registered for GST are required to charge and remit the tax to the tax authorities.

Zero-Rated and Exempt Supplies
Certain goods and services are zero-rated or exempt from GST. Zero-rated supplies include exports and international services, while exempt supplies include financial services and the sale and lease of residential properties.

Property Tax

Progressive Tax Structure
Property tax is levied on the ownership of properties in Singapore. The tax rates are progressive and range from 0% to 16%. The amount of tax payable depends on the annual value of the property, which is determined by the estimated gross rental income that the property can fetch.

Owner-Occupied and Non-Owner-Occupied Properties
Owner-occupied properties, such as residential homes, qualify for a concessionary tax rate. On the other hand, non-owner-occupied properties, including commercial and industrial properties, are subject to the standard property tax rate.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) for Imported Services

Introduction of GST on Imported Services
Starting from 1 January 2020, Singapore implemented GST on imported services. This means that overseas service providers who exceed the annual taxable turnover threshold are required to register for GST in Singapore and charge GST on their services provided to local consumers.

Registration and Compliance
Overseas service providers can register for GST voluntarily if they do not exceed the threshold, but it is mandatory if they exceed it. Registered providers must comply with Singapore’s GST regulations, including filing GST returns and remitting the tax collected to the tax authorities.


Singapore’s tax system is designed to be simple, competitive, and business-friendly. From personal income tax to corporate tax and goods and services tax, understanding the tax rates and regulations is crucial for individuals and businesses operating in Singapore. By staying informed and taking advantage of available tax reliefs and incentives, you can optimize your tax planning strategies and ensure compliance with the tax laws.

Discover the secrets of Singapore’s tax rates and optimize your financial strategies with expert financial advisors over at Accruplus!


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